GBP Onboarding (Old)Individual InformationFirst Name:Last Name:Your role within the business:Your email address:Your cell phone number:Business InformationBusiness Name:Business Phone Number:Business Email Address:Business Opening Date (YYYY/MM):Tell Us About Your BusinessWho are your top direct competitors (at least 1 competitor name & up to 3)?What are the primary products you provide customers (between 1 & 5 examples)?What are the primary services you provide customers (between 1 & 5 examples)?What is a main goal you have for the business in the next 6 months?What are a few common phrases that customers would be searching for to find your business?Do you have any hi-resolution logo files (attach up to 5)?Choose Images (JPG/PNG/GIF Only) Are there any other questions you would like answered?Submit The Onboarding Form